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Leather Dye - Fur Color VL - 1 Lt

Leather Dye - Fur Color VL - 1 Lt

Specific dye for suede leather to be sprayed

Leather Dye - Fur Color VL - 1 Lt

Solutions designed for the highest yield and color uniformity for all suede, nubuck, pekari, reindeer, etc.

  • Garments, which have a faded or tainted color with light or wash.
  • 17 basic colors with very bright and natural tones that can all be mixed together.
  • These solutions are used both in aqueous and alcoholic mixtures.
  • Valid for the color changes for the tassels and for the transparent recolourings, always on the nappa leather.

Package format: 1 lt

FUR COLOR VL NERO - Scheda di Sicurezza
Fur Color VL - Scheda Tecnica

Request information

Altri leather finishings

Leather Dye - Fur Color GL - 1 Kg

Leather Dye - Fur Color GL - 1 Kg

Colors to be used with spray or sponge system for smooth leather and nappa leather.

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Finishing for Leather Care - Fur GLF - 5 kg

Finishing product for smooth leather and nappa leather

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Neutral re-laying solution with high covering power. Leave the garment treated soft and elastic.

Nubuck Leather Care - Fur LM

Nubuck Leather Care - Fur LM

Special product for the washing and the top fattening of leather, furs and leather. Can be used in all solvents

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